Kirkoswald School Support Group

Kirkoswald School Support Group (KOSSG) strives to support the experience of students at Kirkoswald School by working in partnership with the school to organise and run a range of fundraising activities. The funds support the provision of activities, facilities and equipment that are centred on enhancing the education and experiences of the students. Parents and carers of Kirkoswald pupils are automatically members of the support group and each year a committee is chosen at the Annual General Meeting. 

What did we achieve in 2023?

2023 was another busy year with at least one event being run every term, including:

  • The Easter fair, featuring pin the tail on the bunny, Easter egg hunt and the now (in)famous chocobola
  • Running a school tombola with the proceeds being donated to After School Club
  • In July the whole school took part in a sponsored walk round the village sports field
  • In the lead up to Christmas the children made Christmas cards, we held a Family Bingo and an end of term School Disco

What have we funded?

Through our fundraising efforts we have been able to fund transport for the children’s annual trip to Theatre by the Lake in Keswick and a Christmas gift for every child at Kirkoswald School amongst other things.

What have we got planned for 2024?

The committee are meeting in January to look at what activities we can run in 2024. We’re always open to new ideas so if you have suggestions for activities and can spare the time to help run them do get in touch with us.

We’re also considering if there are big ticket items that we should be fundraising for, so watch this space.

How you can help?

We’re always looking for volunteers for KOSSG so if you think you can help and want to get involved you can either contact the School, message us via Facebook or speak to one of us outside the School gates!

If you don’t have the time to get involved a great way to help KOSSG is to set up regular donation which you can do by Standing Order through your bank – let us know if you want to do this and we can supply the KOSSG bank details. KOSSG is a registered charity (Charity No. 1091178) so we are able to claim Gift Aid on qualifying donations.

If you shop regularly online then you can use Easy Fundraising ( to shop at all your favourite sites. Easy Fundraising then provide a donation to KOSSG at no extra cost to you. Simply go to the website, register and select your KOSSG as your chosen charity – you can then shop normally.

Who are we?

The committee consists of:

  • Libby Clark (Chair)
  • Sarah Henderson / Ben Clark (Treasurer)

The committee also have an amazing group of volunteers who take on a lot of the organising and running of events and we really couldn’t do this without them.