All children have two weekly P.E. lessons either down at the village playing fields, on the playground or in the Village Hall. Gymnastics and dance are covered in the PE session as well as the chance to play netball, football, rounders, kwik cricket, tag rugby and hockey.

We are committed to giving the children the opportunity to participate in as many different sports as possible. We have achieved the ‘Activemark’ award, a nationally recognised award for sporting achievement and provision.

We have a Specialist PE teacher who delivers 1 PE session a week for each class and also football coaching every week. There is an expectation that children will leave school being able to swim at least a length. To this end swimming lessons take place at Lazonby Pool in the Summer Term for children in years 3 and 4.

Children also participate in locally organised cross country, rounders, football and netball tournaments and matches. Parents are traditionally keen supporters both for additional help and transport to matches.

Our Year 5 and 6 children also have the opportunity to register for Cumbria's Primary Ski Course in February. This is an externally run course with information about the course sent out through school. 


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