
At Kirkoswald CE Primary School, our intent is that every child has the opportunity to access high quality musical education, both through the music curriculum and through wider musical experiences.

All children have a timetabled music lesson for one hour per week. In addition, children also experience music at other times during the school week, for example, through singing and listening to music during assemblies. Many children also take part in weekly instrumental lessons taught by a visiting music teacher. Those children entitled to Pupil Premium are able to take up music lessons paid for through their Pupil Premium entitlement.

Our school vision is Explore, Dream, Discover: be the best that you can be. Our aim is for children to develop musical skills, knowledge and understanding through an exciting, imaginative and creative curriculum, built on children’s first-hand experiences. 

Music is a vital part of our society and of every human culture. We hear and respond to music many times during every day, whether through listening to our favourite music, on TV or through our own participation in music-making. Music is used to help us express our feelings, celebrate special occasions, and as a way of bringing together groups of people in a shared experience. At school, music is a powerful tool for bringing children and the community together. Through singing, playing and performing together, children can experience a sense of achievement and purpose. They take pride in their performance and learn to work together with others. We aim to give children this sense of collective pride and responsibility, the confidence to stand up and perform in front of an audience, the abilities to play and sing skilfully in an ensemble, and an appreciation of the incredible variety and scope of music there is to listen to and play.

Children begin school already attuned to music through their experiences at home. We aim to build on this knowledge and experience during the Early Years Foundation Stage, when children are encouraged to explore musical instruments as part of Continuous Provision in the classroom. Children in the EYFS take part in class music lessons alongside children in Years 1 and 2, where they can explore the range of their voices and different ways that instruments can be played, and begin to perform together as an ensemble. As children progress through school, the intention is that they will learn and use a wider variety of subject-specific vocabulary appropriate to their age, gain knowledge of a wider range of musical instruments, understand how music is created through improvisation and composition, and become skilled in performing in an ensemble, both on an instrument and using their voice. During Key Stage 2, children are taught to play an instrument, to read staff notation and to create their own musical compositions. By the end of their time in school we aim for the children to be confident performers using instruments and their voice, and to have developed a love for and appreciation of music, which we hope will last a lifetime. 


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