Class 2

Welcome to Class 2! In Years 3 and 4 we follow an exciting curriculum which includes lots of practical activities and opportunities to work as a team. We love to visit Ozzy's Outlook for Adventure Learning at the Common and have been on visits this year to Long Meg and Derwent Hill for our Residential trip. In the Autumn Term we learned to weave our own mats and also use a large Brinkley loom as a class to make our own blanket! We are now using a rigid heddle loom to make a blanket for Class 1.

Here are a few words from our Class 2 children: 

  • “Every year we always go on a really fun trip. When we went to Derwent Hill we did canoeing and gorge walking which were really exciting.” Thomas
  • “Using the big wooden loom is great because you get to make your own blanket.” Malinki
  • “Learning German is fun!” Arvid
  • “I like doing times tables, especially the 8s!” Pippa
  • “I liked learning to crochet.” Mary
  • “The teachers always help you when you need it.” Emma
  • “Adventure learning is amazing because sometimes you get to make your own den.” Hughie
  • "I loved our swimming lessons". Rosie
  • “I liked learning about Roman emperors.” Jayden
  • “I love doing dance mat typing on the computers.” Malinki
  • “I enjoyed our visit to Long Meg. The stones were enormous!” Pippa
  • “I enjoyed performing our play to Class 1.” Marni


Martin JervisMartin Jervis
KS2 Teacher - Class 2 & Class 3

Catherine RedingCatherine Reding
Class 2 Teacher



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